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Writer's pictureCarrie Lehtonen

Rescue Dog Wisdom

As some of you know, I've been writing more these days. My ultimate goal is to write a book that includes all of the life lessons I learned from my dog Ella, with whom I spent over 15 years. Ella had a lot of opinions. We used to joke that we were lucky that Ella couldn't talk, or we'd get an earful! With that in mind, I'm writing the book from Ella's point of view. It's been fun for me to get some of the many stories I have about Ella onto the page. To support this project, I decided to start a substack and an instagram for the Wild Western Wanderers. That's the name we gave ourselves (John, Ella, Mala, and me) for our road trips and other adventures. The make up of our group has changed – Ella is no longer with us, and Tessie has been added to the team. In the same spirit as the book, most everything posted on these platforms will be from Mala, Tessie, and Ella's points of view. Once in awhile I'll post one of my poems or essays. If you're interested in seeing what kind of adventures the four of us get up to, and read the wisdom that the dogs have to share, please consider following us on instagram or subscribing to our page on substack. If you don't want to enter your email, just click "no, thanks" on the initial substack page to get to the content. If you join substack you'll see that there's an option for a paid subscription, but for now most everything I post will be available for free. As an example of what to expect, I've included one of the lessons that I've already posted below. Keep in mind when reading that it's told from the dogs' perspectives. I hope that you enjoy it. Thanks in advance for checking it out.

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