Happy Valentine's Day! This week is a great time for some self love! When was the last time you did something nice for yourself?
We have a tendency to be so focused on getting things done, and taking care of all of our responsibilities that we rarely pause and refill our cup. Running like that will eventually lead to burnout. You can't pour from an empty cup!
I learned this lesson the hard way when I suffered a heart attack at only 31 years old. I was so busy climbing the corporate ladder and trying to be everything to everyone that I wasn't paying attention to the signs my body was giving me that I needed to slow down.
I shared in my first email this month my top tips for heart health. If you missed it, you can read it here. The hard part is figuring out how to slow down, and what works best for you! Taking a time out looks different for everyone, and what fills you up is unique to you.
Love is in the air
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